The Polish Association of University Knowledge Transfer Companies (PSC) is a forum uniting the tech-transfer companies of 34 universities.
Founded in 2014, our mission is to commercialize research results by establishing spin-off companies and to initiate and implement R&D projects for businesses & public administration.

Today, we represent the combined potential of 42,000 scientists and over 418,000 students across Poland.
With over 3,300 R&D projects completed and 241 technological spin-off companies created, we actively foster innovation and bridge the gap between science and business in the Central European region.

* 3300 completed projects (research & development and scientific consulting)
* 2050+ companies & institutions for which projects were conducted
* 241 spin-off companies established by PSC Members
* 61M EUR secured by our spin-offs (private invest. and public grants)

PSC redefines tech transfer by combining research commercialization with joint R&D efforts, collective spin-off support, and driving market-relevant research outcomes.
1. Joint Applied R&D Project: PSC unites the efforts of 34 university SPVs to address client R&D challenges. By combining diverse expertise and resources from across Polish science, we deliver tailored, impactful solutions to complex problems.
2. Collaborative Spin-Off Growth: PSC creates a network where SPVs work together to support the growth of academic spin-offs. This cooperation helps innovative companies thrive and succeed across different industries.
3. Inspiring New Research Directions: PSC actively listens to market needs to inspire new research directions. By bringing real-world challenges to researchers, we enable them to address urgent issues and increase the chances of successful implementation.
4. Building Research Agendas: PSC develops broad research agendas to tackle shared challenges of companies and municipalities, amplifying scientific impact and supporting comprehensive academic growth.

1. Needs-Aware Companies:
PSC helps your company define specific technological or market challenges through tailored Challenge Cards. These challenges are simultaneously analyzed by 34 university SPVs, which then deliver initial proposals, including detailed plans, expert research teams, and estimated budgets.
Benefit: Quickly find practical, research-backed solutions to your company’s unique challenges.
2. R&D Inspiration Seekers:
PSC organizes strategic workshops to explore how Polish scientists and students can support your company in developing new products, technologies, or services. Together, we co-create a tailored Research Agenda, aligning academic expertise with your business goals.
Benefit: Unlock innovative opportunities for growth by leveraging academic creativity and expertise.
3. External R&D HUB in Poland:
PSC and PACTT collaborate with your company to establish a virtual R&D department made up of the best Central European scientists and students. This HUB complements your internal R&D efforts by co-developing and managing projects in product innovation, technology, marketing, and organizational improvements. Funding is drawn from your R&D budget and enhanced with national or international research grants.
Benefit: Scale your R&D capabilities efficiently with access to top-tier talent and funding opportunities.
4. #EUInnovateTogether:
PSC and PACTT invite you to join a groundbreaking initiative under Poland’s Presidency in the EU Council that connects Western European companies with the vibrant scientific communities of Central Europe.
On May 13, 2025, leaders from 10 major European corporations will gather with Poland’s tech-transfer ecosystem, government, and SMEs at a Roundtable Discussion to forge impactful innovation partnerships by aligning corporate R&D expertise with the creativity of CE academia.

SPVs of Universities:
1. UAM – AMU INNOVATION sp. z o.o.
2. UJ – InnoCel Spółka Celowa Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego sp. z o.o.
3. UJD – JDU Innovations sp. z o.o.
4. UMCS – UMCS Synergia sp. z o.o.
5. UMK – Startova.pl sp. z o.o.
6. UPSL – Open UP sp. z o.o.
7. UG – Univentum Labs sp. z o.o.
8. UR – Inventur sp. z o.o.
9. UŚ – SPIN-US sp. z o.o.
10. UW – UWRC sp. z o.o.
11. USz – Centrum Badań i Rozwoju na rzecz Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego sp. z o.o.
SPVs of Technical Universities:
12. AGH – Krakowskie Centrum Innowacyjnych Technologii INNOAGH sp. z o.o.
13. PB – Instytut Innowacji i Technologii Politechniki Białostockiej sp. z o.o.
14. PBS – Spółka Celowa UTP w Bydgoszczy sp. z o.o.
15. PK – INTECH PK sp. z o.o.
16. PCz – Transfer B+R PCz sp. z o.o.
17. PG – Excento sp. z o.o.
18. PŁ – Tulventure sp. z o.o.
19. PMSz – InnoPM sp. z o.o.
20. PUT – Politechnika Innowacje sp. z o.o.
21. PRz – AERO-PRz sp. z o.o.
22. PW – Instytut Badań Stosowanych Politechniki Warszawskiej sp. z o.o.
23. PWr – Instytut Transferu Technologii sp. z o.o.
SPVs of Agricultural Universities:
24. URK – Centrum Innowacji Uniwersytetu Rolniczego w Krakowie sp. z o.o.
25. SGGW – InnoTech4Life sp. z o.o.
26. UPWr – Dolnośląska Zielona Dolina sp. z o.o.
SPVs of Medical Universities:
27. UMED Łódź – UMED sp. z o.o.
28. PUM – Centrum Innowacyjnych Technologii PUM sp. z o.o.
SPVs of Economic Universities:
29. UEK – Centrum Komercjalizacji i Badań Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie sp. z o.o.
30. UEP – Spółka Celowa Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu sp. z o.o.
SPVs of Pedagogical Universities:
31. APS – Centrum Transferu Wiedzy Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej sp. z o.o.
SPVs of the Polish Academy of Sciences:
32. INTiBS – Centrum Transferu Technologii INTech sp. z o.o.
33. IF – NanoTechIP sp. z o.o.
SPVs of Non-Public Universities:
34. WSS – Dolnośląskie Centrum Innowacji sp. z o.o.

Dr. Eng. Jakub Jasiczak
PSC Chairman (Poznań)
mob. +48 501 862 202
e-mail: jakub.jasiczak@psc.edu.pl
Alina Jaworska
PSC Vice Chair (Toruń)
mob. +48 609 251 620
e-mail: alina.jaworska@psc.edu.pl
Krzysztof Oleksy
PSC Vice Chair (Kraków)
e-mail: krzysztof.oleksy@psc.edu.pl